Virtual Tour of Your Bill


Understanding Your Bill

Your Bill Format

If you want to know what your bill is based on, this is where you look. Your bill may be based on an actual meter reading or an estimated reading calculated using an average of three; 3 recent actual meter readings.

Cost & Fees

This is a fixed monthly charge to cover the cost of meters, meter maintenance, bill delivery, etc.

Non- Fuel Charges

This is the non-fuel charge for producing and delivering each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity you consume. Total energy charges depend on how much electricity you use each period.

Calculating Fuel Charges

This covers the cost of the fuel required to produce and deliver each kWh of electricity. What you pay for fuel is based on the cost of oil and gas used to generate the electricity you use. This cost will change from one month to the next, depending on the cost of the fuel JPS purchases from suppliers. JPS buys oil from PetroJam, and natural gas from New Fortress Energy.

IPP Charges

This is the charge for electricity that JPS buys from other companies to sell to customers. These electricity-generating companies are called Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

Maximum Peak Requirements Cost

The Demand Charge is designed to cover costs related to the generating capacity that JPS has to put in place and maintain in order to serve the maximum (peak) requirements of each customer. It is listed as a separate item for Rates 40 and 50 customers only, but it is included in the Energy Charge for other rate classes.

Basis To Calculate Foreign Exchange Rate

This refers to the foreign exchange rate that was used by the OUR to develop the rates published in the Rate Schedule. It is used as the basis for calculating the foreign exchange adjustment on your bill.

Average Foreign Exchange Rate During Billed Period

This is the average foreign exchange rate that exists during the period for which you are being billed. It is used along with The Base Exchange Rate to calculate the foreign exchange adjustment factor on your bill.

Foreign Exchange Costs & Fees

The foreign exchange rate changes regularly, and a significant portion of the costs of producing and delivering electricity is based on US dollars. As a result, each month the exchange rate applied to your bill has to be calculated to show [movement in the US Dollar viz-a-viz the JA Dollar]

Reading Type

If you want to know what your bill is based on, this is where you look.

Customer Charge

This is a fixed monthly charge to cover the cost of meters, meter maintenance, bill delivery, etc

Fuel Charge

This charge is based on the cost of the oil and gas used to generate electricity.

IPP Charge

This charge is for electricity we buy to sell to you, our customers.

Base Exchange Rate

This refers to the foreign exchange rate that was used by the OUR to develop the rates published in the Rate Schedule.

Billing Exchange Rate

This is the average foreign exchange rate that exists during the period for which you are being billed.