Frequently asked questions

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the more common ones.

1. My service is now connected, what do I do now?

Ensure you keep your account information, including your account, customer and premises numbers, on hand to help in all your account matters moving forward. Additionally, see to it that we have your best cellphone number and email address so we can keep in touch and keep you informed. Download the MyJPS Mobile App, available in the Google Play Store and the Apple Store, or use our web portal on our website, www.jpsco.com. Add your JPS account to your mobile app or web profile to manage it and have JPS support services right at your fingertips.

2. When will I receive my first bill?

You will receive your first bill within 40 working days after service connection. JPS mobile app Customers will receive a notification once the bill is ready. Also, JPS eBill customers will receive their bills via email once the bill is generated. A text message with the account balance will also be sent to the primary cellphone number we have for you.

3. How is my bill calculated?

There are a number of components that determine the charges on your bill. First, we have to determine your consumption/usage for the period. Subtracting the most recent meter reading from the previous meter reading provides your consumption for the period. Your consumption determines your overall Energy Charge. Along with the Energy Charge, there are the Fuel Charge and the Independent Power Producer (IPP) Charge – how much we pay for fuel and energy produced by IPPs; Foreign Exchange Adjustment – because we do a large portion of our business in US dollars; GCT – required by the government for usage above 150 kWh, and a fixed Customer Charge.

4. What are the options to pay my JPS bill?

You can make payment via the MyJPS Mobile App or the web portal. Payments through the mobile app or website reach your account within 30 minutes. Additionally, there are over 700 other places for you to pay your bill, including third-party payment agencies. Payments can be paid online for a number of third-party agencies such as Bill Express, Paymaster, Alliance and Prime, and most banking facilities. Payments made through third parties such as Bill Express and Paymaster, are usually reflected on your JPS account within 1 hour. Allow for 24- 48 hours for payments made through your banking institution to be reflected.

5. Is there an incentive for paying my bill early?

Yes, there is! JPS accounts are credited with a $250 Early Payment Incentive for payments made on or before the due date. For payments made after the due date a Late Payment Fee of $250 plus GCT is added to the account.

6. What if I don’t pay my bill by the due date?

Once the bill is not paid in full before or on the due date a Late Payment Fee of $250 plus GCT is added to the account. Your supply also becomes liable for disconnection and a penalty charged to the account if disconnected. Full payment of the outstanding charges will be required for the reconnection of the service which is guaranteed to be completed within 24 hours.

7. Do you send bill reminders or notices?

Yes! We will send you a text message to the primary cell number on your account, with your account balance, when your bill is ready. Additionally, we will send a text if your consumption is higher or lower than the previous month by at least 10%.

8. My bill seems very high (or low), how can I do a query?

You may query your bill through the MyJPS Mobile App or on our website. This may also be done through direct messages on Facebook and Twitter or by calling our 24-hour customer service centre at 888-225-5577 (FLOW) or 888-935-5577 (Digicel). Our representatives will be able to respond to your query and conduct any necessary follow-ups. If it is a matter that requires a physical investigation, we will dispatch our field service personnel.

9. Will I also receive a physical bill in the mail?

Your bill will be sent by email only, once we have an email address for you, as this is a faster more convenient method. You may also access your bills through the MyJPS Mobile App or web portal. However, physical bills are still sent to customers for whom we do not have email addresses or who have requested to receive physical bills only. We only provide your bill through one method (email or physical copy).

10. When I signed up for service I paid a deposit, when do I get this back?

You have the option of claiming the refund of your deposit if you have been paying 24 months’ bills on time and in full, along with any outstanding interest not already paid. The deposit is also refundable should you terminate your contract and there are no outstanding amounts to be paid.

11. I have an emergency such as low, high or fluctuating voltage, what should I do?

Some power quality issues may be because of internal wiring defects. Should an issue arise, you may contact a licensed electrician to check the premises for any electrical fault that may be causing the issue. Where the electrician is unable to address the issue or it is an external fault, contact JPS. You can report the issue via the MyJPS Mobile App or the web portal. Emergency reports may also be made via direct message to us on Facebook and Twitter, or by telephone using 888-225-5577 (FLOW) or 888-935-5577 (Digicel).

12. How do I report an outage in my community?

In order to improve or maintain service reliability, from time to time JPS will need to conduct maintenance work and may be required to suspend the power supply to your area for a few hours. For these planned outages, we provide advanced notice via text message and email, social media – on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and on the JPS website, so affected customers can plan around the outage. In these instances, you are not required to submit an outage report. However, there may be other reasons you experience a power cut, ranging from emergencies to other faults. In some instances, distribution issues will self-correct and your power will be restored in a few minutes. However, report unplanned outages at your premises or in your area via the MyJPS Mobile App or the web portal. You may also do so on Facebook and Twitter or our customer care centre.

13. How do I report a defective street light in my community?

You may report defective street lights through the MyJPS Mobile App or the web portal. Most of our JPS poles have a number assigned which is usually found on a strip on the pole. Record this number and provide it, along with driving directions when making the report.

14. How do I contact JPS Customer Service?

You may contact us for customer service assistance via the MyJPS Mobile App or web portal. Through the web chat feature on our website, www.jpsco.com, you can speak with a Customer Relations Representative Mondays – Fridays, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Additionally, we are available on Facebook and Twitter @myjpsonline. There is also 24-hour customer service support via our customer care centre at 888 CALL JPS (225 5577) or 888 935 5577.

15. How do I share feedback on the quality of my service experience?

You may provide feedback on your experience using the JPS Mobile App or web portal. You may also contact us about the quality of your service through our customer service channels.

16. I am relocating, how do I request termination of my JPS Service?

This is pretty easy to do. Log into the MyJPS Mobile App, select the services icon and choose the option to stop service for the account you want terminated. You will be required to upload a signed request for termination along with a copy of your ID and TRN. We will terminate your account within 4 business days and send you a final bill. By default, the deposit will be applied to any outstanding charges and you will be required to settle any amount remaining. If there is a credit when the deposit is applied, you may submit your request for a refund or for a transfer of this amount to another account in your name.