Your Meter & You

Being able to read your meter will help you to check your usage as the billing period progresses and help your conservation efforts.

How to Read Your Electro-Mechanical Meter

Stand in front your meter and look very closely

You will notice that it has 4 or 5 dials that resemble clocks. Each dial has a pointer like the hand of a clock.

These pointers move only when electricity is being used, and they turn very slowly. Also notice that the pointers do not all move in the same direction; some turn clockwise, while others turn anticlockwise. The dials are connected to each other, so the movement of one will affect the movement of the other. As the dial to the right moves one full turn (from zero around to zero again) the dial to the left moves one full unit. Look at the example below. When the pointer on dial E goes around one full turn, D moves one digit. When D moves one full turn, C moves one digit, and so on.

Record the Readings

Starting with the dial on the far right (dial E), write down the number that the pointer has just passed (i.e. the lower number). Continue reading the last number passed on dial D, C, B, and A then record the readings in the same sequence from right to left.

You could also record the readings from left to right, but make sure you write them down in the same sequence as they appear. When you have finished recording all the numbers, your reading should be 14967.

Calculate how much electricity you have used since your last reading

Let’s say your last reading was 14667.

Minus last month’s reading from the reading you recorded in Step 2. The result is the total number of kilowatt-hours used since last month’s reading. For Example… 14967 (the new reading) – 14667 (last month’s reading) = 300 (your usage since last month’s reading) Congratulations! You just learnt how to read your electricity meter.

How To Read Your Digital Meter

Your digital meter shows readings in one row of figures that alternates through 3 different displays.

1. The initial screen will display “888888…” indicating that the unit is functioning properly.

2. The next screen shows the total kWh of energy consumption. This 5-digit number is cumulative and may include leading zeros.

3. The final screen shows the current electric usage at the premise.


Simply write down the numbers shown on the second screen that includes kWh. This is your current reading

Your Smart Meter is read the same way as other digital meters. What makes it smart is the communication component inside the meter, but the display is the same. The smart meter displays readings in one row of figures. Simply write down the numbers shown from left to right. Your Smart Meter shows readings in one row of figures with one standard display:

The 5-digit display showing the total kWh of energy consumption is located on the top line and is always on. This number is cumulative.

A segment check may display momentarily (all figures showing 88888), but will change back to the standard display.

Below the kWh display, the 3-digit voltage level and 3-digit current electric usage displays will alternate (i.e., “240 Volts” is shown for a few seconds and then toggles to “.345 kW” for a few seconds)

Simply write down the numbers shown above the total kWh numbers. This is your current reading.

Congratulations! You just mastered meter reading!

How to Read Your Digital Smart Meter

Here are some other details you need to remember

Meter Accessibility

We need to have access to your meter in order to give you bills based on actual readings each month, so it is important to make sure your meters are accessible.

Meters should be at the front of your building, 4 to 6 feet from the ground, and should be kept free of bushes and insects. Do not extend buildings around meters, or enclose them behind locked grills. Restrain your dogs, and allow the meter reader to access your premises in order to do his job.

No Connection (Inaccessible Meters)

If you are building a new house or making renovations, make sure that your metering equipment is placed in a location that can be easily accessed by JPS personnel.

JPS reserves the right to refuse electricity supply if (a) the meter socket is locked inside a building, (b) the meter socket is more than 100 feet from the JPS service point, or (c) there are obstacles to the metering facilities.

Help us to serve you better – make sure your meter is accessible to JPS.

Do Not Break Meter's Seal

It is your responsibility to protect the electricity meter on your premises. At no time should the meter seals be broken by your private electrician or any other unauthorized person. Anyone who tampers with JPS meter seals may be subject to criminal proceedings.

If your meter seal has been broken or there is any sign of tampering, contact your nearest JPS office or the Customer Care Centre at 1-888-CALL JPS (225-5577).