JPS Pleased with Overall Grid Performance – Outages Minimal

Update #3  5:00pm

July 4, 2021

JPS is pleased with the overall performance of its grid islandwide.  After more than 12 hours of ongoing rainy conditions and flooding, outages have been minimal, a testament to the effectiveness of the ongoing modernization of the network.

At present, the major outages are in St. Thomas – with a crew enroute to Airy Castle; and Newport Manchester, where a crew is on site.  Restoration is however being hampered by heavy rains and difficult terrain.  There are also outages in St. Andrew in Waterworks, Lawrence Tavern and Queensborough.  The Company continues to keep track of other isolated outages.

Our teams are now also preparing to do detailed damage assessments and repairs, weather permitting.

The Company thanks customers for their patience and understanding at this time, and reminds everyone to continue to stay safe.

Here our teams are working to negotiate landslides as they travel to Airy Castle, St. Thomas