JPS High Voltage Testing Lab Achieves Accreditation from the International Standards Organization (ISO)

JPS, the country’s primary energy provider, is pleased to announce that its High Voltage Testing Lab has been awarded International Standards Organization (ISO) accreditation. This recognition of excellence at the global level, was highlighted in an official ceremony hosted recently by the Jamaica National Agency for Accreditation.

The ISO, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland is the most internationally recognized standards producing body in the world – setting internationally accepted standards for various sectors.  This particular ISO  standard (ISO/IEC17025:2017), is specifically designed for testing laboratories.  Having met its stringent requirements, one of the benefits JPS customers can look forward to, is the Company’s increased ability to test and screen high voltage equipment prior to them being installed on the Transmission and Distribution Grid, thereby reducing equipment failures that can lead to forced outages.

Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, speaking at the ceremony, congratulated the JPS, for its achievement, noting that this accomplishment was important for Jamaica.

While JPS Director of Engineering Services, Ricardo Case noted that, “This award makes the JPS High Voltage Testing Laboratory one of the few accredited high voltage testing facilities in the Caribbean.” 

JPS has been working on achieving international accreditation on several aspects of its operations over the past decade.  This comes as part as the Company’s ongoing commitment to customer service excellence through innovation and cutting edge technology.