JPS COO Challenges Local Businesses to Assemble or Manufacture Electric Vehicles in Jamaica

JPS’ Chief Operating Officer, Gary Barrow, is challenging local business operators to take advantage of the changing face of transportation across the world, by setting their sights on new business opportunities. “Set your aspirations towards assembling or better yet manufacturing electric vehicles here in Jamaica.  Remember, these windows of opportunities do not last forever,” he encouraged. 

Mr. Barrow was speaking at a JPS 100th Anniversary celebratory event, where major stakeholders, including government representatives, members of the Diplomatic Corp, and business leaders were in attendance.  

Looking to the future of possibilities in the transportation sector, he pointed out that JPS is also in the process of rolling out an islandwide electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. “We believe that sometimes we have to take a leap of faith, believing that when we build the infrastructure, the cars will come…  Most internal combustion engine car manufacturers have already announced an end date to the manufacturing of combustion engines. So the electric vehicle ecosystem development, is a big growth opportunity in the areas of maintenance, training, and software development to name a few,” he informed the gathering. “We have to stop thinking and playing small – as the only path to prosperity is through growth.” 

Reflecting on the JPS journey over the past 100 years, the Chief Operating Officer stated that the Company has built a very strong foundation for Jamaica’s energy future and energy security.  “Economic development and energy security go hand in hand and we have big plans for further significant investments in enhancing our grid, in integrating a lot more renewable energy, and in further embracing digital transformation to better serve you.  We embrace the megatrends that are driving changes in the energy landscape, decarbonation and decentralisation of generation,” he pointed out.  

Wayne Chen, Advisor to the Minister of Science, Energy, Telecommunications and Transport, and guest speaker for the night, inspired the gathering, reminding the audience of the strength and capability of Jamaicans to accomplish great things.  CEO of Korea East West Power, Mr. Yung Moon Kim and Deputy CEO, Power Division, Marubeni Corporation, Mr. Yuji Sato, also represented the JPS’ major shareholders at the event. 

Media personality, Debbie Bissoon guided the evening’s proceedings, while entertainers Ashe, CeCile and D’Kru Band, kept the energy high throughout the event.