Japanese Ambassador Pays Courtesy Call on Top JPS Execs

Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Yasuhiro Atsumi (centre) pauses for the lens, alongside JPS and Marubeni Executives, during his recent courtesy call.  They are: (left to right) Takuya Kokawa, Keisuke Harada, Mo Majeed, Gary Barrow, Damian Obiglio and Shogo Otani.

Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Yasuhiro Atsumi, recently paid a courtesy call on JPS Executives and shareholder representatives, at the Company’s Head Office in New Kingston. The topics discussed included the future plans of the nation’s primary electricity provider.
Among those present at His Excellency’s visit, were: JPS Board Chairman, Yong Hyun Kim of Korea East-West Power; Chief Operating Officer of Marubeni Power International, Mo Majeed; and JPS Chief Operating Officer, Gary Barrow. Also in attendance were JPS Board Members and representatives of Marubeni: Shogo Otani, Keisuke Harada, Takuya Kokawa and Damian Obiglio.
Mr. Majeed highlighted the importance of the diplomatic relationship between Jamaica and Japan. He also praised the tremendous progress JPS has made through Marubeni’s partnership with Korea East-West Power.
Mr. Barrow shared highlights of JPS’ current transformation process with the Ambassador. This includes the Company’s move towards a 100% smart grid – bolstered by the installation of smart meters islandwide; efforts to incorporate more renewables on the grid; and the introduction of digital tools such as the MyJPS Mobile App. “We are moving from an OK power company to an outstanding organization,” he emphasised. Mr Barrow also spoke of the work of the JPS Foundation in education, and its environmental focus, an example being its work in making JPS the first corporate entity to sign on to the National Environment and Planning Agency’s Adopt-a-Mangrove Initiative.
Ambassador Atsumi was particularly interested in the Company’s work in electric mobility. He was updated on JPS’ inclusion of electric vehicles in its fleet; the vision for JPS Charge ‘n Go electric vehicle charging stations; partnerships with gasoline retailers; and Project eDrive, a partnership between the JPS Foundation and the IDB Lab to help create an eMobility-ready ecosystem in Jamaica.
Mr. Majeed, spoke of Marubeni being particularly proud of JPS’ progress in Jamaica compared to other jurisdictions, including the USA; referencing fuel diversification, digitalization, and striking a balance between investments and affordability.
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Marubeni had donated tablets to students and partnered with Food for The Poor to deliver care packages to persons in need, efforts which the Marubeni COO said the Japanese company was happy to be able to do.
Japan and Jamaica have a strong diplomatic relationship, which began in 1964. Marubeni’s investment in JPS as a shareholder began in 2007 and is a notable part of the relationship between the two countries.

Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Yasuhiro Atsumi (left), and Chief Operating Officer of Marubeni Power International, Mo Majeed greet each other, while Damian Obiglio, Senior Vice-President for Caribbean Operations at Marubeni Power International looks on. The Japanese Ambassador recently paid a courtesy call on JPS executives and representatives from JPS shareholder Marubeni, at JPS’ Head Office in New Kingston. 

His Excellency Yasuhiro Atsumi, Japanese Ambassador to Jamaica greets Chairman of the JPS Board of Directors, Yong Hyun Kim at a courtesy call to JPS and Marubeni Power International executives recently.