96% Theft on St. John’s Road – 7th Transformer Replaced Today Due to Burning Caused by Illegal Connections

October 5, 2021

Today (October 5), JPS replaced the 7th transformer on St. Johns Road in Spanish Town, St Catherine, due to illegal connections and theft destroying six transformers since the start of the year.  The community has a theft rate of 96%, with 25 out of the 650 residents being legal JPS customers.

Transformers typically have a lifetime of 15 to 20 years, but this community has managed to destroy six of these in nine months, at a cost of J$1.6Million.

JPS has been pulling down throw-ups, conducting meter audits, investigating accounts, installing anti-theft networks and conducting community renewal interventions in several communities in an effort to reduce theft. This scourge requires both government and private support; community upliftment; and consideration of the expansion of the social safety net to include electricity and water services.

JPS reminds the public that theft of electricity creates reliability issues, and is a significant safety hazard with a high risk of fire and electrocution to both paying customers and those who are illegally extracting electricity.