JPS Begins Damage Assessment – Warns that Most of the Affected Customers will Remain Without Power Tonight

August 17, 2021

Although Tropical Storm Grace continues to linger over the island, JPS teams have started their assessment of the damage to the power delivery network.

The company is warning, however, that most customers who are currently without service will remain without power tonight. “We know this is not what our customers want to hear, but the current weather conditions do not allow for the safe restoration of electricity. We cannot afford to compromise the safety of our team members or customers. We therefore ask our customers to be patient, as it will take some time to get the power back on – especially in communities where the infrastructure is badly damaged,” says Winsome Callum, Director of Corporate Communications at JPS.

JPS is reporting damage to its power delivery system in several parishes, including Kingston & St Andrew, St Catherine, St Thomas, Portland, St Mary and St Ann. The company says that landslides, blocked roads, along with intense lightning, wind and rain in some areas make it difficult for its teams to carry out restoration work. “We will continue our restoration efforts tomorrow, and make every effort to get service back to our customers as quickly as possible,” Ms. Callum promises.

JPS is also reminding customers to make their own safety a priority, and to report outages using the JPS App or Website.