JPS GER Certification

GER Certification

The Government Electrical Regulator (GER) is the body of government responsible for certifying all electrical installations.

When is a GER Certificate Needed:

  • When the premises that require electricity is new
  • When the premises has not had electricity for more than a year
  • If the meter socket at the premises was damaged and repaired

How do I get the GER to issue a certificate?

  • Any Licensed Electrician, after checking the wiring of your premises, can submit the application for the GER Inspection to be done.


  • The GER process can take up to 4-6 weeks, after which the GER sends the certificate to JPS.


  • Once the GER has issued the certificate to JPS you can now apply for electricity at your premises. It can take up to 5 working days to be connected.

The GER Certification Process

  1. Contact a Licensed Electrician to visit the premises
  2. Have your registered electrician create an account on the GER portal
  3. Have your electrician do an electrical drawing
  4. Your registered electrician must upload electrical drawing and other pertinent information to the GER Portal
  5. Your registered electrician should then issue a Work Completion Certificate, if work is up to code standard
  6. Have your registered electrician assist you in choosing a private licensed electrical inspector on GER Portal
  7. The private licensed electrical inspector will issue a certificate of compliance if installation is in line with safety code/standards
  8. Compliance Certificate will be sent to JPS for you to complete your application for service. It takes 5 working days for electricity supply to be connected.